Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:

Our staff has extensive experience and a highly successful track record in the field of medical transcription. At ESS Transcription Services we pride ourselves on only the highest standard of skill, character, intelligence and integrity.


  • 24 hour turnaround time (less than 12 hours for STAT).

  • HIPAA Compliant Electronic transmission of completed transcription.

  • Ability to dictate and receive transcribed files securely from anywhere.

  • Secure off-site storage of your voice and text files (Disaster Recovery).

  • Complete searchable electronic medical record archiving, via the Internet.

  • Knowledgeable, experienced office staff to perform quality assurance.

People and Process

  • Audio files are transcribed by real people. We do not hire anyone with less than 3 years experience for any specialty. Most of our staff has 5 to 8 years experience. We do not train our staff using live audio files. Each staff member must undergo a rigorous evaluation of their skills that exceeds MTIA and AAMT standards before we allow them to work on your dictation.

  • Our most experienced transcriptionists, those with 5 years or more, edit every document before they are delivered to you.

  • We will follow your formats and templates when provided.

  • We provide the highest quality and lowest error rate in the industry.